This page has appeared to you via a Google Search, and that is the point. You have researched opportunities for investment in Rockhampton, and this is a close to home avenue worth investigating.
WTQ Hosting is a local Rockhampton business operating in many locations. We have a background in design and development going back to 2001. Officially we commenced in 2005, and in 2010 made the switch to webhosting. We have a lot of comparitive experience in online IT, and areas relating to website and email technology. Growth for us comes via word of mouth, through resellers and via acquisitions. Acquisitions require investment, but repay themsevles usually over three years. See this page for a working example. Investment in the acquisition of a webhosting business has historically provided comparably better returns than the ASX, and provides you as a Rockhampton local the chance to partner with WTQ in acquiring clients and obtaining a return over three years.
Rather than investing your entire portfolio in property or shares, we suggest diversifying, and setting aside some income for an investment in webhosting. This is somoething you can do entirely yourself with WTQ, or in partnership with other investors and WTQ. Talk to us, and we will work together with yourself and other investors to negotiate with a seller, put together a working package, and acquire and pay for it over three years. WTQ will provide the backend hosting support and know how, and we share the proceeds and the growth.
Talk to us for greater details of how things could work.